Upcycled Clothes

When I started this T-shirt business I wanted to eventually design simple designs on shirts. I really wanted my daughter Cali to draw some amazing pieces so that I could transfer onto shirts. As I talked about my ideas with Cali I saw how she was actually not interested in drawing. I asked her if she didn’t think her art was good enough and to my surprise she said no. Of course I was devastated that she did not see her art in the same way that I did and the way that everyone else did. I knew that as her mom I would not be able to convince her of how amazing her talent is. This validation would have to come from herself.

I decided not to push her and instead find an alternative. I wanted her to be able to still create and have fun. I asked her if she wanted to upcycle some shirts instead.  This was an idea that she would always talk about here and there. A fun fact about Cali is that she is all about protecting the planet and reducing waste even if it’s a small act so naturally she loves to thrift. This is where the idea of upcycling shirts came to life.

We thrifted and bought some shirts to practice.  She got into her zone and just practiced some techniques. She is teaching herself to sew and right now is having fun. Soon we will launch her line of some fun and unique upcycled shirts and hopefully with time you will see some of her art.

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