Growing up I did not have a positive body image of myself. My only guides were what society told me was beautiful. The magazines I would flip through were hyper focused on slim bodies and girls that looked nothing like me. After I had my first two kids it was even more difficult to accept my new body. It wasn’t until my daughter was old enough to understand how I was speaking about myself that I really had to make a change. I knew that I didn’t want my daughter to ever see herself as anything less than her amazing self based on the shape of her body. I had to stop the negative talk right then and there and I promised myself I would only say positive things to myself even if I had to lie. My kids didn’t need to go through the same struggles as I did and I was going to make sure they knew their worth based on who they are and not what they looked liked.
It’s been a long journey of working through my own struggles and reframing the thoughts in my head. The media continues to work its witchcraft and puts too much emphasis on physical attributes. Luckily there is more awareness on this now and there’s been a change in beauty standards and a demand for more representation and diversity.
I want my children and especially my daughters to center around kindness and equality. I don’t want them so hyper focused on their physical appearance because that’s not where their beauty lies. Beautiful is just one word to describe person. I want my children to know they are Brilliant, Amazing, Powerful, Ambitious, Capable, Talented, and Remarkable. It’s so important for me to pass on this message that Cali and I have decided to switch out the sizes you see when placing your order. We have replaced them with these strong and meaningful words. You are beautiful because you are uniquely you.